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[Sideways]: Ooh this is cool. It's very premise challlenges me intellectually
[Rice]: Make two characters? ;D Problem solved.
[Alexi Ice]: Hope my two fit <3 ! !
[Rice]: You just need to put the format to the one specified and they are great. 8D
[Alexi Ice]: Oh! Whoops, sowwie ^^ Will do it after work ~
[Rice]: Ha ha then they are in once that's done. ;D
[Alexi Ice]: Ohhh! I was wondering how she got it all pretty and centered like that. Akane is a box-fail...lol
[Alexi Ice]: Yay <3 Can't wait till' we get more characters. Mind if I invite my own personal favorite RPGer [Thrice]?
[Rice]: Erm. Well there is a limit on the number of players at the moment, but as of yet I don't think anyone else has characters pending. So go ahead.
First come first serves..we have 6 characters already xD so...I might stop accepting for the first part soon.
[Alexi Ice]: KK ~ Awesome.
[Dericious]: Just got a character idea AHH THE PRESSURE AHH D8
[Rice]: xD I'll reserve a place for you then.
[Dericious]: Let's DO THIS. *Breakdances*
[Rice]: *starts to rap and turn tables*
[Earoluim]: //_0)>
[Dezmond]: Is this rp still open for apps?
[Rice]: It's not open at the moment since I was planning to restart it soon. So, technically it's not open but will be open soon. :)
[Dezmond]: Alright well I'll check in later then ^^
[Earoluim]: How is it coming Dezmond?
[Dezmond]: Huh?
[Earoluim]: I must apologize, I was doing one too many things and I accidently used the wrong name here. I was to be talking to Rice?
[Rice]: How is what coming? The RP...gah, I'm so overwhelmed by University work at the moment, I'm trying to balance everything and failing. ._.
[Earoluim]: I am sorry, would you like some help on this Rp then ?
I do not mind helping out.
[Rice]: No, that's fine thank you.
[Earoluim]: * bows my head *
[Earoluim]: ...
[Rice]: Go read the main page then tell me what you want to do, please. :D
[NOOOPE]: ok, so, I get the setting and all. What specifically will the rpers be doing, and what attribute will divide the goodies and the baddies? Are the baddies trying to kill the heir to start a war, and the goodies as trying to fine the hier and get things back on track?
[Rice]: - The Rpers start off by getting the bounty for finding the heir. This can happen in any way you want it to and can be as imaginative as you like. (Some examples, they are a bounty hunter who picked it up willingly, maybe they stumbled across the bounty and decided to pursue it, or maybe they are currently travelling with someone who has the bounty).
- The 'bad guys' are going to be hunting these people down and killing anyone who is trying to find this person, since they know that without an heir then civil war will break out, and chaos provides a good diversion for other things. If you follow. So, if you have the bounty you are immediately a target, and the characters will get sucked into the story together whether they want to or not.
- As for why the goodies want to find the heir, it can be any reason you like. Maybe they genuinely want to help, maybe they like the idea of having connections to the future king/queen, or maybe they just want the money. Or maybe they just happened to be involved with it and were mistaken for someone who knew a little too much.
At the moment I just want to get together some colourful characters and some people who are willing to propose ideas etc. I don't want this to just be me writing a plot, I would like everyone else to give suggestions and say what they want.
[NOOOPE]: So if I wanted to make a baddie, should I ask you a little about their plans or can I make just a hired gun of theirs?
[Rice]: You can make any baddie you like, I don't mind. If he/she were to work for the people wanting to kill all the players then they could be anything from a hired gun to someone within the group. If you wanted the latter I would message you with some details.
[NOOOPE]: N'aw, I like the hired gun route.
[Rice]: Then is it okay if your guy is the first main baddie? I reckon he's going to be awesome so it will be fun to think up a plot based around him to begin with. :D
[Rice]: This will be exciting, I think Oliver needs someone to pretty much beat the hell into him else he'll stay pathetic forever. Or, at least scare the poor boy senseless. Mmmm~ >:D
[NOOOPE]: I tried a more... technological approach. I hope I didn't go too far out of your vision.
[Rice]: I'll have a gander now.
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